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The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences has instituted various Awards for recognizing significant contributions of senior, middle level and young scientists to promote agricultural research. Memorial, Endowment and Recognition awards are presented biennially at the time of Agricultural Sciences Congress. Young Scientist Awards are given annually and are presented in the Annual General Body meeting of the Academy. Nominations for the under mentioned categories of Awards are invited. Nominations may be submitted to the Academy by Fellows of NAAS; Former NAAS Awardees; DG/DDGs/ADGs of ICAR; Secretaries of Scientific Departments of Government of India; Presidents of Science Academies; Directors/Joint Directors of ICAR Research Institutes/ NRCs/Project Directorates; Heads of Institutions of CSIR, ICMR; Vice Chancellors/ Directors/Deans of SAUs/CAUs; Chairman UGC, ASRB, BARC; Principal Scientific Advisors,